Unitalen partner Zhang Yazhou was recently interviewed by Beijing Time Live Broadcast for his views on the trademark disputes between Beijing Daoxiangcun and Suzhou Daoxiangcun which lasted for over 10 years. On October 12th, the People's Court of Suzhou Industrial Park made the first instance judgement in favor of Suzhou Daoxiangcun, ordering Beijing Daoxiangcun stop using the “稻香村”(Daoxiangcun) logo on pastry products and compensate Suzhou Daoxiangcun for 1.15 million yuan, whereas one month earlier Beijing IP Court issued a first instance judgment in favor of Beijing Daoxiangcun ordering Suzhou Daoxiangcun stop using the “稻香村”(Daoxiangcun) mark on “Zongzi (rice dumpling), mooncake and pastry products and compensate Beijing Daoxiangcun for 0.3 million yuan.Type the text here